Course details


AI in public discourse

WS 2020 Dr. phil. Tobias Thelen ONLINE
B.Sc modules:
CS-BWP-AI - Artificial Intelligence
KOGW-WPM-KI - Artificial Intelligence
M.Sc modules:
CC-MP-IDC - Interdisciplinary Course
CC-MWP-AI - Artificial Intelligence
CS-MP-IDC - Interdisciplinary Course
CS-MWP-AI - Artificial Intelligence
Fri: 10-12

This course uses qualitative data analysis to investigate how the topic of artificial intelligence is presented in public discourse. The guiding perspective will be a view from within the discipline of artificial intelligence. In the seminar, small groups will analyze individual discourses, such as the communication of the German Federal Government or the reporting and public discussion in online media, to determine which topics are in the foreground, which evaluations are made and to what extent the existing picture matches the state of the art in the discussion.