Course details


Complex Dynamical Systems Meeting Machine Learning

WS 2020 Dr. rer. nat. Rahel Vortmeyer-Kley ONLINE
M.Sc modules:
CC-MP-IDC - Interdisciplinary Course
CS-MP-IDC - Interdisciplinary Course

CS-BW - Bachelor elective course
CS-MW - Master elective course
Doctorate program
Wed: 10-12

Machine learning has recently been used to support the modeling of dynamic systems in various applications. Both fields of research strongly influence each other. In this advanced seminar we will look at recent publications in this growing interdisciplinary field of research and discuss different approaches and applications. The seminar is aimed at bachelor students at advanced level as well as master students and PhD students from different disciplines like cognitive science, physics, mathematics, computer science or environmental systems research. A strong interest in mathematics as well as in interdisciplinary communication is helpful. Prerequisites: - basic understanding of differential equations - basic experiences in reading scientific papers