Course details


Feminist Ethics

WS 2023 Nora Freya Lindemann OFFLINE
B.Sc modules:
CS-BWP-PHIL - Philosophy for Cognitive Science
KOGW-WPM-PHIL - Philosophy of Mind and Cognition
M.Sc modules:
CS-MWP-PHIL - Philosophy for Cognitive Science

CS-BW - Bachelor elective course
CS-MW - Master elective course

In recent decades, feminist ethics has emerged as a vibrant and essential field of study that critically examines traditional ethical theories through the lens of gender and power dynamics. This seminar offers a comprehensive exploration of feminist ethics, its theoretical foundations, and its implications for contemporary ethical debates. Furthermore, the seminar will question how a feminist ethics can inform and shape an ethics of AI in the digital age. This is a block course that will take place in the week of the 9th to the 13th of October 2023. Prerequisites: Prior participation in the “Ethics of AI” lecture is recommended.