Course details


Sensory augmentation and grasping movements

Interdisciplinary Course (Master)
WS 2023 Prof. Dr. med. Peter König, to be announced NN OFFLINE
M.Sc modules:
CC-MP-IDC - Interdisciplinary Course
CS-MP-IDC - Interdisciplinary Course

CS-BW - Bachelor elective course
CS-MW - Master elective course
Mon: 10-12

Begleitseminar zum Studienprojekt: Why? Recent advances in computational object recognition, robotics, and machine learning, combined with the miniaturization of hardware, offer many opportunities for digital personal assistance. If there are self-driving cars soon, why not use similar camera-based approaches to assist humans in everyday tasks, like shopping and wayfinding? Especially for seniors and those with mild to severe impairments, technology can be the key to self-determined partaking in society. How? Today, we have a tactile navigation belt for the blind that makes them feel orientation and navigation cues, utilizing vibration around the waist [1]. Tomorrow, we want to offer the individual user situationally adapted assistance in real-time for various everyday tasks like shopping in the local supermarket [2]. For this, the team will be using cutting-edge approaches of deep-neural-network-based object recognition, combined with tactile displays as the user interface and psychophysical tests for validation of the approach. Engel AK, Maye A, Kurthen M and König P (2013) Where's the action? The pragmatic turn in cognitive science. DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2013.03.006. Trends Cogn Sci 17:202–209 Keshava A, Nezami FN, Neumann H, Izdebski K, Schüler Th, König P (2022) Low-level Action Schemas Support Gaze Guidance Behavior for Action Planning and Execution in Novel Tasks